Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Long Computer Sessions and Staying Healthy! Computer Ergonomics!

5 Great Computer Exercises! 

1. Roll those hands! - Typing on your keyboard for a long period of time on a daily basis can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. This leads to major pain caused by compression of a major nerve in your wrist. For an easy fix roll your wrists clockwise/counterclockwise every single hour. Also, do the same with your ankles and shoulders to reduce stiffness.
2. Stretch your chest! - Sitting down all the time can stiffen your joints. A great way to solve this is to stretch your arms across and pull your back. After a long session doing this exercise will feel very refreshing.
3. Roll and twist your head! - Long sessions on a computer can strain your neck causing discomfort or pain. Once and a while, it's great to tilt your head side to side, back, and front, and twist your head. Be careful, though as doing this the wrong way can cause more pain.
4. Lift those legs! - Sitting down for a long time may cause your legs to fall asleep. Once in awhile lift your legs for a long period of time. This will easily make you more healthy while sitting down.
5. Twist and Strech your Arms! - For a long period of time, your arms can get a little tired. Place your hands on your shoulder so that your elbows are sticking out. Now, as if you were rowing a boat start moving, stretching, twisting your arms.

Ergonomic Tips for your Workstation!

Monitor Position: - Always have your monitor at head level so you don't have to tilt your head up or                                  down to face the monitor.
                             - Place your monitor at a good distance so you don't have to strain your eyes while                                  looking at the monitor  
Keyboard/Mouse - Make sure you're not reaching for your keyboard/mouse or hunching back to         Position                  type. This can hurt your back while doing work.
                             - Having your wrist properly placed on the mouse will help with stiffness. Make                                    sure you're not reaching your mouse from the side or have it in an awkward                                          position.
Chair                    - Never be hunched over when you're on your computer. Relax and lay on the back                                of your chair. This will help with long sessions, as you'll reduce discomfort from                                  your back
                             - Adjust the height and distance from the computer so you'll have a better computer                                experience, as this will help with the rest of your setup.

Ergonomic Keyboards!
 Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (English) $44.80
Image result for microsoft ergonomic keyboard 4000

Microsoft Sculpt Ergonomic Keyboard for Business (5KV-00001) $110.16

Quick explanation for Computer Ergonomics! 

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