Buy more Memory!
Some systems may have 1 GB or 2 GB of memory. By increasing your memory to 4 GB or 8 GB will improve your computer's performance and health. Adding more memory will allow the computer to use real memory rather than virtual memory which can affect your computer's performance.
Don't update to the latest software!
Sometimes always updating to the latest software can slow your system. If you're running an older system chances are running a new update can be a little slim. If you don't have a lot of memory like 1 GB or 2 GB of RAM, then that could lead to problems like, slower speeds and not being able to use the software at all! Always check your manufacturers recommendations before updating. There are some exceptions like internet browsers, Java, virus protection software, and a PDF reader. But things like games, hardware demanding editing software like Adobe Premier may stress your system. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Check before you install/download!
Like most people whenever you download or install an application you tend to quickly click the "Ok" button and continue on your day or maybe skip the "Terms and Conditions" page (well, we all pretty much do that). But always reading the description of whatever it is you're trying to install or download is a good idea. Some software may have a "Bug" list where the applications might have some problems or a "Time Trial" or fake download where it tricks you into downloading something else. There are many types scenarios where this could happen so alway read into things before you start downloading and installing software especially some weird websites with ads popping out.
Provide enough power to your system!
In some cases, if you have a computer, laptop or a phone and they start shutting down randomly then they might have some serious problems. For a computer, make sure you're proving enough power so that the computer can run perfectly stable. Check if your outlet is providing enough power or switch to another outlet if the one you're using doesn't work. For a laptop and a phone or a device that has a battery just make sure the battery is working. If you're experiencing issues it's best to visit a tech store where they can either replace or fix the battery. If that doesn't work then you may have to speak to your manufacturer for a full replacement.
Save yourself from the Cold Reboot and the Warm Reboot!
Probably one of the most obvious but the deadliest is the cold reboot and the warm reboot. Basically, the cold reboot is pulling off a plug off a computer when it is on or anything that depends on a plug to be powered on like a toaster or a microwave. If something is turned on and relies on a plug connected to an outlet NEVER unplug it, this could be very dangerous for you and the computer! Last is the warm reboot. Not as deadly as the cold reboot, the warm reboot is when a user forces the system to shut down when it is frozen or when it appears to be crashing. If this happens then always be patient, if you're on the web researching for your large project and the website that you log on appears to freeze or seems to be really slow, then find the problem. Just wait a bit for the website to catch on. If you're done waiting (on a computer) switch through the tabs by CTRL + TAB button or the apple key and tab. Scroll through the tabs by clicking tab while holding CTRL or the apple key. Finally, if this doesn't work do the CTRL + ALT + DELETE method, then turn off the system from there.
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