Thursday, 8 December 2016

How does Google search work?

Mostly everyone around the world uses Google today. Many know Google as the largest search engine, and we all take it for granted. But do we really know how it all works? For Google, there’s more than meets the eye.

As far as what many people know, Google is a software company mostly based on its search engine. But Google is far BIGGER than that. They also create hardware like phones, speakers, WiFi routers, VR headsets, creating renewable green energy, and they even have their own AI.

Apart from all that, let’s get a better understanding of Google’s search engine. After all, that’s how they started. When you search up a question, a person, or a thing, they are all being located on more than 100 trillion web pages. Google uses a software known as “spiders” that would “crawl” around the web to find pages and follow links to find even more pages. Once the “web crawlers” are done with all the pages, they all get thrown into an Index to be used later for the final product of the search items. Once you have searched an item it goes through Google’s algorithms. Google’s algorithms, use many factors to find your search. They make sure it’s relevant to the search item, the quality of the web page, how popular the page is (page rank), spelling if the website is safe and much more. Google uses over 200 factors, to find what you're looking for in a matter of seconds (1/8th of a second to be precise)! But don’t forget that Google is also hard at work fighting spam. This ranges from weird links to hacks that can harm your computer.

Google’s search engine is probably one of the best things, humanity has ever created. You can find any information you want in a matter of seconds. Now that we know most about how Google’s search engine works, we can better appreciate how we take Google’s hard work for granted.

- Anthony, Ali, Luis, Lawson and Romulo

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