Monday, 12 December 2016

History of Computers: Day 1!

1. There is no real answer to when the computer was first created. The word "computer" was first used in 1613, to describe a person who performed calculations. The first programmable computer was created by German Konrad Zuse, called Z1. It is considered to be the first electro-mechanical binary computer. The first commercial computer was made in 1942, by Konrad. It was called the Z4. There are different classifications of computers so they will be linked here.

2. The most important History pioneer is Tim Berners-Lee. Tim invented the World Wide Web (WWW), which we all use today. Without the World Wide Web, we would've not been able to connect to the cloud or collaborate and communicate with anyone around the web. 

3. The first video game was called Spacewar! The game was programmed by Steve Russel and published the game in February 1962. The game had two spaceships that were being pulled by a star. The objective of the game was to avoid the star and shoot missiles at the other ship. The game ran on the DEC PDP-1 computer.

4. The World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners-Lee.

5. The computer mouse was created by Douglas Engelbart. He released his demo on December 9, 1968. You can find more on the video here.

6. The first programming language was called Plankalkül. It was developed by Konrad Zuse, used for the Z3 between 1943 and 1945.

7. The "Father" of computing was Charles Babbage. He created the Analytical Engine in 1837 and contained an Arithmetic Logic Unit (performs mathematical operations on binary numbers), basic flow control, punch cards, and integrated memory. It essentially was the first general-purpose computer.

The "Father" of the computer was Konrad Zuse. In 1936 to 1938 Konrad created the Z1 in his parent's living room. The Z1 had more than 30,000 metal parts and was considered to be the first electro-mechanical binary programmable computer.

The "Father" of the personal computer was Henry Edward Roberts. He came up with the idea of a "personal computer". When he released the Altair 8800 on December 19, 1974, he was considered to be the father of the modern personal computer. The "personal computer" was published n the front cover of Popular Electronics in 1975 became an overnight success. The computer was sold as a kit for $439 or assembled for $621 and had different add-ons. By 1975, over 5,000 Altair 8800 was sold.

8. Alan Turing was so important to Computing history because, during the second world war, Turing worked for the Government Code and Cypher School. He was responsible for 
 deciphering many German ciphers. He cracked many intercepted coded messages that enabled the Allies to defeat the Nazis. He created a machine (the Bombe) that help break the code of the Enigma machine that the Germans created.

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