Wednesday, 7 October 2015


1.      What are the objectives of the language?
2.      What is the Programming Language you are using?
3.      Give an example of 2 lines of syntax (individual code)
4.      What is your opinion of the game software to teach young people how to code?
5.      Discuss with your partner: Which game would be best to  each young people how to code?

Answers 1. The objectives of the language is to command your "player" to reach certain objectives. Like going to the end of the level and defeating enemies. 2.The Programming Language that I am using is Python. 3. 2 examples of lines of syntax are "self.moveRight()", and "self.attack(enemy)".

4.My opinion of the game software is it teaches young people how to code and with this software it can easily teach them because it is a game and they can really get use to it. This might be entertaining for them and get them use to coding as an activity.

6. I think CodeCombat is the best way to teach young people how to code because it is a kid friendly game and it is very fun! It also has different programming language to choose from and can really interact with the kids mind set and how to code. This is very easy for young children and helps them what kind of career they would want in the future or what the would like to do for coding. 

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